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Rendered 41 years of continuous active service in the Bureau of Customs

Commissioner of Customs (2001-March 2002)

ASEAN Commissioners of Customs Meeting
Chairman, 2001

APEC Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures
Chairman, 1996

Law Meeting 2
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Never has there been a time in the BOC’s History that such an aura of procedural uncertainty been so pervasive as the present. The five drastic changes in leadership and policies within a span of 4 years has made the process of moving goods across the border more complicated than ever before. This creates an atmosphere of confusion for all Importers and often with gross legal consequences and exponentially increasing the cost of importation. We study all these changes and anticipate the implications for our clients. We offer preemptive advice on the most cost-effective procedure and solution for releasing our customers shipments. Legal advice from our firm will also be available should conflicts arise from these newly implemented unforeseen regulations. We have an inhouse staff of Lawyers and Customs Brokers who are always available to offer these expert legal and administrative representation with the bureau.